
Learn To Dive – Let’s Do it! With PADI eLearning, getting certified and learning to dive Cayman couldn’t be easier. If you want to learn to dive but do not want to spend valuable time in the classroom while on vacation, then PADI’s eLearning is the perfect choice. Simply register online using the link below; this affiliates you with our PADI 5 Star Dive Center. Then you can access the learning materials from any computer with an Internet connection, anytime! Just be careful to turn the volume down at work. You complete all of the knowledge development at your own pace before your vacation or at your hotel laying on the beach. The materials are super easy to use and we are able to follow your progress and help if needed. You can complete just about every course using the elearning classroom, Open Water Diver, Advanced Open Water Diver, Enriched Air Nitrox, Rescue Diver and Dive Master ALL online. There is also a Scuba Tune Up that refreshes your dive knowledge if it’s been some time since you last dived.

eLearning saves loads of time and helps you start diving before you even pack your bag!
Once you arrive on island, we complete all the in water work and Open Water dives. With all the knowledge development finished we spend our time working on the practical skills of diving; breathing underwater, working as a buddy team and swimming with lots of cool critters while exploring the stunning reef of Grand Cayman. When you enroll online and affiliate with Living The Dream Divers, we are notified that we have a new student and have access to your eLearning course completion so we know you are ready for the fun part on island.
Under PADI medical- the form has changed and needs to be updated for the hyper link and on the page to this for guests to download:
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