Cayman Dive Log

Care For Our Environment – Project Aware

Get a special certification card! Grand Cayman Scuba diving is the best and the reefs and fish life are stunning. It’s this natural environment that makes Cayman Diving so special. Everyday we get to live and breathe watching nature up close …

Things to Do In Grand Cayman…

Ok, so that statement can be answered in three words, “Go Scuba Diving!” While Cayman Diving is the number one must do activity on Grand Cayman, you can’t be under water all the time. Surface time is just as important as …

Our Wounded Warrior Charity Run

On Sunday October 30th Liz and I are running the Marine Core Marathon. We love running and run one event a year for good charity. This year we are raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project. This amazing charity helps soldiers …

Enriched Air Certification Offer!

Get certified to use Enriched Air for $140 USD, its super easy and adds safety to every dive. If you are a certified diver you have probably heard about Nitrox or Enriched Air Diving or seen a yellow and green tank …

Our New Dive and Retail Store!

We are proud to say that we were the first small group dive operator to have a physical retail dive shop. Our retail space allowed us to meet our divers, chat, share photos and of course buy awesome Living The Dream …

Cayman Diving Friends

Liz and I have been Cayman Diving daily since we first arrived in 1998 and 2001 respectively. The amazing corals and creatures that inhabit the reefs and wrecks of this lime stone island keep us here. In 2009 we wanted to …

Rent a GO Pro for your Dive!

What can make your Cayman Diving experience better??? Take home an awesome movie or collection of Cayman Diving photos. To make that happen we are now offering Go Pro camera’s for rent while you dive with us. Go Pro have changed …

Learn To Use Enriched Air / Nitrox $140 USD!

The Enriched Air Diver specialty is the perfect course for all divers. The course is quick and super easy and will add time and safety to every dive. If you have ever thought about using Nitrox now is the perfect time …

Thank You for Choosing to Smile and Dive

As many of our divers know Liz and I love to swim, bike and run. When we are not diving we are out on the roads of Cayman training for our next event. Every year we choose an event that means …

Fresh Air Guarantee

We believe that in order to offer the best product we have to use the best ingredients. This belief is at the core of everything we do, from our boats we dive on to the uniforms we wear. Every detail has …